Being Weather Aware in you RV

August 27, 2024

Being Weather Aware in you RV

Okay, let’s talk about weather. Weather while living full-time in your RV or just a weekend camping trip can be a little scary if you’re not prepared. We have been traveling and living full-time in our RV for almost 4 years. In that time, we have had some close calls with tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and tropical storms. But staying weather aware has prepared us for all those situations and we have been fortunate to not put ourselves in harms way.

We use the weather channel app, KOCO app, and Chime.  The weather channel app was already installed on our phones and it’s an easy free app to navigate. You can set it to your current location or type in future locations to see the weather information in the area you are headed.  The KOCO app was our local weather app when we lived in Oklahoma. This app does the same thing. Chime is a paid subscription…. We also find the local weather tv channels when we arrive at a new campsite. This helps us stay in tune with the local weather and most of the local channels provide a free app as well.

Whatever weather app or channel you choose to get your information is up to you as long as you’re staying weather aware in your current location and the areas you might be traveling to. Another thing we do to stay prepared is by having a backup plan. By this, I mean, having a plan in place in case of a weather emergency. We have been in quite a few different locations where we have received tornado warnings. For this we like to know where the nearest storm shelter is and how safe it is.  A lot of the RV Campgrounds we stay in offer tornado shelters on their properties. This may be an underground shelter, a safe room built into the bathhouse or laundry facility, or a completely separate building designed to with stand tornadic weather. However, we have been at many campgrounds that don’t offer shelter in case of emergency. When this happens, we have a plan to leave the area and return when the storm is over. We have done this a few times.

Once, there was a tropical storm predicted to hit Port Aransas, Texas while we were staying there. We didn’t want to pack up our rig to go with us because the locals all said it would be fine, but we also didn’t feel safe staying there with our kids and dogs in case it was worse than they were predicting. So, we pulled in our slides, made sure everything was locked and put away, we loaded up just us and an overnight bag and headed into San Antonio for the night to wait out the storm. Everything turned out to be okay and the storm did not do any damage but the way we see it is it’s better to be safe than sorry.

To wrap up this topic of weather in an RV we would just say be aware, be prepared, and always follow your gut to leave a potential threatening weather situation. That’s part of the beauty of having a house on wheels is you can always pack up and move on.

Austin & Tara – Livin Lite Lovin Life

Meet Livin Lite Lovin Life: Austin, Tara, Rudi, Arlo, along with their cherished dogs, Gertie and Pyper. In a daring move, they bid farewell to their house and possessions in September 2020, embarking on a transformative journey across the United States. Their trusty Fifth Wheel, "Roamee," towed by the dependable "Lady," carries them through this adventure. Livin Lite Lovin Life's engaging videos offer insights into full-time RV living with children and dogs, DIY RV projects, essential tips, and the exciting moments they share as a family. With a commitment to weekly updates, they invite you to embrace a lighter, more fulfilling life and follow their path as they inspire others to chase their dreams, encouraging all to "learn to let go to gain it all!"

Highland Ridge Ambassador: 2021 Open Range Fifth Wheels – OF371MBH

@livinlitelovinlife on Instagram and @LivinLiteLovinLife on Youtube

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